what is compassion

Se 2 videoer om hvad Compassion er

CCT instruktør Nanja H. Hansen fra The Danish Center for Mindfulness har lavet 2 videoer om “Hvad Compassion er”. Se disse videoer herunder.

What is compassion?

What is compassion?

In September this year you’ll get a chance to meet one of the big guys in mindfulness and compassion: founder of Stanford University’s compassion cultivation training course, Thupten Jinpa.

For more than 30 years, he has been the official English translater for the Dalai Lama.

When he visits Copenhagen he will give a public talk and teach a workshop together with licenced Psychologist, P.hd student and senior Compassion Cultivation Training instructor Nanja H. Hansen form The Danish Center for Mindfulness.

Here Nanja explains what compassion is.

See the events here:
Thupten Jinpa: Compassion as a strength in daily life
Thupten Jimpa Compassion as a strength in your professional life

Tickets are limited so grab yours now.

Slået op af Dansk Center for Mindfulness i Tirsdag den 16. juli 2019

How can we use Compassion Training in organizations?

Nanja H. Hansen: How can we use Compassion Training in organizations?

The Danish Center for Mindfulness is proud to present a a one-day workshop in Copenhagen with founder of Stanford University’s compassion cultivation training (CCT) course, Thupten Jinpa.

For more than 30 years, he has been the official English translater for the Dalai Lama. In September, he visits Denmark to teach a workshop with licenced Psychologist, P.hd student and senior Compassion Cultivation Training instructor Nanja H. Hansen form The Danish Center for Mindfulness.

In this video Nanja explains why compassion is import to organizations.

We hope to see you on Septemner 18th at DPU in Copenhagen. See all the details and get your ticket here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2305645106340687/

Slået op af Dansk Center for Mindfulness i Onsdag den 3. juli 2019

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